Chalcolithic Archaeology

2013-\"A pedra talhada do Moinho de Valadares, Mercador e Monte do Tosco\" en: As comunidades agropastoris na margem esquerda do Guadiana. 2.ª metade do IV aos inícios do II milénio AC\" (ed. Valera, A. C.), pp. 229-269. Edia-Drcalen.

Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Lithics / Lithic Technology (Archaeology) / Lithic Analysis / Calcolítico / Prehistoria Reciente / Indústrias macrolíticas / Macrolithic Tools / Industrias Liticas / Calcolítico / Prehistoria Reciente / Indústrias macrolíticas / Macrolithic Tools / Industrias Liticas

Ídolos falange, cervídeos e equídeos. Dados e problemas a partir dos Perdigões

Neolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Perdigões / Neolithic & Chalcolithic enclosures / Prehistoric Ditched Enclosures

Os recintos de fossos de Coelheira 2 (Santa Vitória, Beja)

Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Ditched Enclosures

Símbolos da morte em espaços de vida? Sobre a presença de placas de xisto gravadas em povoados do Alto Alentejo, no contexto do Sudoeste peninsular.

Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Engraved Schist Plaques

As comunidades agropastoris na margem esquerda do Guadiana. 2ª metade do IV aos inícios do II milénio.

Neolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula / Prehistory / Neolithic

Das Técnicas de Construção à Arquitectura: algumas notas

Prehistoric Archaeology / Landscape Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology

Do fim do Paleolítico à aquisição da Escrita no Baixo Côa

Rock Art (Archaeology) / Palaeolithic Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Prehistoric Rock Art

Economias Costeiras na Pré-História do Sudoeste Português. O Concheiro de Montes de Baixo

Mesolithic Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Algarve / Archaeology of shell middens / Epipaleolithic / Alentejo Litoral History / Coastal Economies / Epipaleolithic / Alentejo Litoral History / Coastal Economies

Dinâmicas locais de identidade: estruturação de um espaço de tradição no 3º milénio AC (Fornos de Algodres, Guarda)

Prehistoric Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula

Os recintos de fossos da Salvada e Monte das Cabeceiras 2. (Beja, Portugal

Prehistoric Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistoric Ditched Enclosures


Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology

[2005] O povoado neo-calcolítico de Casa Branca 7 (Serpa): resultados preliminares

Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Neolithic Europe / Chalcolithic

[2016] \"Quais os motivos que levaram as sociedades dos finais do 4.º milénio a.n.e. a construir os recintos de fossos no SW Peninsular?\" - “Which reasons took societies from late fourth millennium BC to build ditched enclosures in Southwest Iberia?”

Landscape Archaeology / Archaeological GIS / Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Neolithic Europe / Neolithic & Chalcolithic enclosures / Prehistoric Ditched Enclosures / RECINTOS DE FOSOS / Neolithic Europe / Neolithic & Chalcolithic enclosures / Prehistoric Ditched Enclosures / RECINTOS DE FOSOS

[2014] Intervencao Arqueologica em Porto Torrao

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Neolithic Archaeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology / Chalcolithic Archaeology / Prehistoric Settlement / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Prehistoric Archeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic enclosures / Pré-História / Prehistoria e Historia Antigua / Prehistoric Ditched Enclosures / RECINTOS DE FOSOS / Enceintes Néolithiques / Prehistoric Settlement / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Prehistory / Prehistoric Archeology / Neolithic & Chalcolithic enclosures / Pré-História / Prehistoria e Historia Antigua / Prehistoric Ditched Enclosures / RECINTOS DE FOSOS / Enceintes Néolithiques
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